Vermont Church Organs
Division of Harmony House in Rutland, VT.
A New Service for our Customers, we can now give you a lift !
Viscount's Choirmaster MIDI Module is Now Available
And Several new products coming shortly
Harmony House is our Business name, Vermont
Church Organs is our website, Church Organs are our primary Business, Vermont
is our home, and helping Churches get a great organ at a low price is our
first objective. We have the Dealership for World-renowned Church Organs,
manufactured by Viscount Company in Italy, dating back to the late 1800s.
We are also the area sales representatives for the Hammond Pro Line and leslie Speakers.
Selling Church Organs in Vermont is an interesting business. We watch dealers
from outside of Vermont try to overcharge Churches for their products, and
we enjoy going head to head with competition. We also find the make and model
comparison very compelling for our products. After the Warranty is over, we
excel in keeping our repair prices far below the out of state dealers, and
that really upsets them. Just try to get a real price on repairs from them,
and you will know what the run around truly is. Our prices for repairs when
the warranty is over, is a small fraction of what the out of state dealers
charge. They get upset when you ask for a price on non-warranty repairs, and
they must be very ashamed of the excess charges.
Many of the Churches in Vermont,
put up with numerous small problems just because of the high cost of repairs
from Mass. and NY, as some companies insist on regional service centers,
and your Church pays the price for that decision. That is the main reason
why we sell so many of our products in this area, and take so many of the
other makes in trade. Dollar for dollar, if you want the most for your Church
dollar, contact us about new, used, rebuilt, antique reed organs, electric
pianos, or whatever your Church is looking. We try to locate for you, just
what you want.
Do you doubt any of these statements?
We will gladly back up those statements with people from the areas that have
dealt with the high cost of repairs from Mass. and NY. in the past, and some
that are still suffering from those high service calls until they can afford
to change organ brands to one of ours.
We have customers in five states,
and we for sure know someone near you that has benefited from our Business
in the past years. Give us a call at 1-802-773-2935.
(We did have a toll free number to save your Church more money
but the trash marketers, selling things like home, car, plumbing, electrical,
and even Alien protection insurance started using it and adding 150 to 225 calls
per month to the line. Those calls added around $120 per month to the phone bill,
and not one of them were Customers.)